In January 2019, the IASC Principles unveiled a new structure, which is encapsulated in the
document ‘IASC Structure and Working Method’ . It was endorsed by the IASC Principles who are the heads of the IASC’s full members (namely, UNDP, UNICEF, UNHCR, WFP, FAO, WHO, UN-HABITAT, OCHA, IOM), and IASC Standing Invitees (namely, ICRC, IFRC, OHCHR, UNFPA, the Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of IDPs, and the World Bank). The NGO consortia ICVA, InterAction and SCHR which are also invited on a permanent basis to attend. The Chair of the IASC may also invite, on an ad hoc basis, representatives of other specialized organizations. The note also mentions that each NGO Consortium may be joined at the table by one other NGO representing itself. A third NGO representative can join as a ‘plus 1’. NGO representatives can rotate seats on an as needed basis. Details report click here

A4EP briefing paper : Living up to commitments Investing in women-led organisations
This year International Women’s Day, 8 March 2024 was celebrated with the theme Invest in women: Accelerate progress. Activists from