The humanitarian sector has been discussing localisation for over 25 years. The World Humanitarian Summit, the Agenda for Humanity, and the launch of the Grand Bargain in 2016 were major initiatives to reform the humanitarian system to make it fit for the future. In the last five years there has been a push for more concrete implementation of localisation commitments at country level. This report presents key findings of the country level dialogue carried out in the Philippines between February and July 2021 and aims to serve as a localisation blueprint, a plan of action, with concrete recommendations to be taken forward by various stakeholders. It was a collaborative process led by Nanette Antequisa of ECOWEB in the Philippines who is the Chair of A4EP, with OCHA and Oxfam Phillipines.
Please download [Executive Summary] [Full Report].

A4EP briefing paper : Living up to commitments Investing in women-led organisations
This year International Women’s Day, 8 March 2024 was celebrated with the theme Invest in women: Accelerate progress. Activists from