The May 2016 World Humanitarian Summit brought together 9,000 participants. They came from 180 Member States, included 55 Heads of State and Government, 700 NGOs and CSOs, of which 350 national and local ones, and 250 international ones, 350 representatives of the private sector, 130 representatives of the UN agencies, funds and programmes and other […]
The World Humanitarian Summit and the Agenda for Humanity and the launch of the Grand Bargain in 2016 was a way to reform the humanitarian system to make it more fit for the future. The ‘Grand Bargain’ is an agreement between the biggest donors and aid organisations that aims to get more means into the […]
The World Humanitarian Summit(WHS) consultation process opened the space for voices of local and national actors about their experience of the global humanitarian system and its impact locally. As part of the preparations for the WHS in 2016, the High-Level Panel on Humanitarian Financing sought solutions to close the humanitarian financing gap. Their report made […]